Mandatory Disclosure | Update on: 01/01/2021 |
AICTE File No. | North-West/1-9318567689/2021/EOA |
Date & Period of last approval | 25-June-2021 |
Name of the Institution | BHS Polytechnic College |
Address of the Institution | Near Aujla Bypass Village Thanewal, P.O. Babbehalli, Teh & Distt – Gurdaspur |
City & Pin code | Gurdaspur ,143521 |
State/UT | Punjab |
Longitude & Latitude | Lattitude – 19,32,15 Longitude – 39,75,2 |
Phone number | 991525235 |
Office hours at the Institution | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Academic hours at the Institution | 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM |
Email | |
Website | |
Nearest Railway Station (in km) | Gurdaspur,6Km |
Type of Institution | Self-Financing |
Category of the Institution | Co-Ed |
Name of the affiliating Board | Punjab State Board of Technical Education & Industrial Training |
Address | 36A,pbt No.1,Chandighar |
Website | |
Latest affiliated period | 2021-2022 |
Name of Principal | Sh.Vishal Mahajan |
Exact Designation | Principal |
Phone number | 9915425235 |
Email | |
Highest Degree | M.Tech |
Field of specialization | EEE |